This phase of engagement has ended.

Greater Pollok LDF

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**Part 1 Greater Pollok LDF Consultation Complete**

Thank you to everyone who completed the Greater Pollok consultation. Your views are very much appreciated.

The formal consultation ended on Friday so it's now the Council's intention to analyse the findings over the next few months and then prepare a short summary document of the key issues.

We hope to post this on our webpage once it's ready.

Once complete we then intend to commence work on the Draft strategy for the area (the Greater Pollok Local Development Framework)

The Draft LDF will be available for your feedback circa Spring 2023.

Thanks again for taking the time to contribute.


David Dunlop

Senior Planning Officer

Spatial Planning Strategy


Glasgow City Council

231 George Street


G1 1RX

0141 287 6097

Posted on 12th September 2022

by David Dunlop

*** Greater Pollok LDF Consultation- Only 2 Days to Go!!***

Dear Friends & Colleagues,

A huge thanks to everyone who has contributed to our survey of Greater Pollok.

That’s over 1040 responses so far!

With only 2 days to go let's help make sure no one in the Pollok area has missed their initial opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas on the most important local issues.

Please help to give the survey a final push by sharing it with those you may know who have not yet responded!

The initial consultation ends this Friday at 4.00pm.

Join us in shaping your future in Greater Pollok!


David Dunlop

Senior Planning Officer

Spatial Planning Strategy


Glasgow City Council

231 George Street


G1 1RX

0141 287 6097

Any Questions or Points of Clarification? E Mail me on:-

Posted on 5th September 2022

by David Dunlop

Almost 1000 responses! Only 3 weeks left to submit more comments on Greater Pollok

A huge thank you to everyone who has commented so far on the future of Greater Pollok!

This gives the community a great opportunity to help shape our planning and regeneration strategy for the area and how you'd like to see it develop over the next 10 years.

We'd still like to hear more of your ideas though, Here's a short list of things we'd like to a hear a bit more about:-

What are your thoughts on :-

- How can Greater Pollok play its part in tackling climate change?

- How can we improve the centre of Nitshill?

- How can we improve connections into Pollok Park and Dams to Darnley Country Park?

- How can we improve Darnley and South Nitshill Industrial Estate?

- Can we do more to improve the main 'routes ' through the area like Barrhead and Peat Road- eg; more tree planting ?

- Ideas for Haughhill and Priesthill Park?

We'd also like to hear more from some of our new residents at the Boulevard and Cowglen- what are the main issues there? Walking routes and connections?

Please let us know and share our survey with others in the if you can!

Posted on 17th August 2022

by David Dunlop

Great News - Almost 600 Responses!!

A huge thanks to everyone who has contributed to our survey of Greater Pollok so far!

Let's help make sure no one has been missed out.

Keep sharing our survey with your friends, family and on Facebook, Twitter or text. If you're still at school, retired or part of a local family, residents who've lived here for many years or are new to the area? We really want to hear from you.

We've been reading your comments already following your local debate on Facebook too:-

For those who haven't commented so far here's some ideas to get you started :-

  • our local housing
  • busy roads & traffic volume
  • energy efficiency ideas
  • greenspaces- how to make them better and more biodiverse?
  • shopping & town centres
  • vacant land and local job opportunities
  • public transport connections
  • community facilities like schools and how to get there.
  • heritage attractions like Crookston Castle
  • areas that can be made safer and more welcoming?
  • something that's important to you or your insight into Greater Pollok as place, the Council could help with
  • We're looking forward to hearing from you!!

    Any questions please drop us an e mail


    Posted on 19th July 2022

    by David Dunlop

    **Thanks to those who have completed the Greater Pollok LDF Survey so far. Please keep telling us what you think!!**

    We've had a bit of feedback from some of the community who've found the survey a bit on the clunky side.

    Just to let you know we've taken these comments on board and hopefully made things a bit more straightforward for you all..

    We also know you're busy but we'd really love it if you could drop some comments on the Common Place Map and also the Questionnaire we've shared!

    Posted on 7th July 2022

    by David Dunlop

    More Info on the Greater Pollok LDF

    Greater Pollok LDF

    The Greater Pollok Local Development Framework (LDF) will be to provide a structure for future development in the area. It will act as an overarching framework to help identify urban planning priorities for Greater Pollok to help take this forward.

    As part of the process of developing the LDF, we want to be led by local priorities and to work towards achieving the ambitions of the local community. The results from this map tool will be used to inform the creation of the LDF by helping identify key issues and priorities. You can also complete our survey by clicking on the link here .

    Please follow this link to the LDF webpage where you can access our area overview and engagement documents .

    You can click on the map to select any particular space/site/location which is of importance to you or where you think a specific intervention should be made.

    Posted on 1st June 2022

    by Greater Pollok LDF Team